Our Campaigns
We can go further together!
Join our Work
Leading on climate requires all of us to take action, together, in the places we work, live, learn, and play.
We are committed to supporting the broad-based community engagement needed to support this process – to define success that reflects our entire community.
C3 works to bring neighborhoods, businesses, faith communities, nonprofits, institutions, local government, and other diverse groups together to forge a path forward and achieve unity of purpose.
Our Campaigns
Corporate Sustainability
We help organizations incorporate energy smart solutions and other sustainable practices into their daily operations. For business and nonprofit leaders, we launched the Green Business Alliance.
Make Your Own Impact
Taking actions like energy efficiency in your home can save you money while helping reduce climate pollution. Neighbors, families, friends, or local groups can sign up for the Home Energy Challenge, earn points, and celebrate success.
Accessible, Clean Transportation
Emissions from vehicles are the leading source of carbon emissions, both in our community and in Virginia as a whole. C3’s Transit Equity report highlights recommendation for an accessible, clean and equitable transit system.
Energy Equity
Our Uncovering Energy Inequity report found that almost 5,000 households in Charlottesville face high to extremely high energy burden. Solutions do exist. Energy efficiency coupled with renewable energy solutions could reduce that burden from 24% to 6%. Let’s get to work!
Youth Leadership
C3 works with young people, educators, administrators, and parents on ways to make a positive impact both within their schools, at home, and in our community. From the Green Schools Network to our Climate Justice summer camp, we love working with the next generation of climate leaders.
Volunteer with Us!
Volunteers are key to expanding our reach and spreading the word about how we can together reduce our emissions. Help us by volunteering at our next event, tabling, or becoming a C3 climate advocate.
“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”