April Blog Round Up
As the Communications Director here at C3, I am always looking for ways that our communications – whether it’s a radio spot, blog article, Instagram post, or how-to video – can inspire you to take another step to help our climate.
I hope our blog can be that invitation to engage in this important work: the work to find local solutions to the global climate crisis.
In our blog we celebrate our collective efforts, offer new ways to reduce your carbon footprint with our helpful tips, tricks, and resources, and keep you up to date on the latest local news and policy development!
April Round Up
Even amidst the current COVID quarantine in Virginia, C3 is managing to stay very busy as we shift our work and priorities to adjust to a virtual environment.
Carter Myers Automotive, Claudine McElwain, the Pie Guy and Loaves and Fishes.
Spotlights on People and Businesses Leading
We know things are tough right now for businesses, schools, and nonprofits. The COVID health crisis has disrupted nearly every aspect of how we live, work and play. At the same time, it’s been amazing to see all the good work that’s being done to help us through this time. We highlighted 12 ways our Better Business Challenge participants are stepping up to offer COVID relief, and we shined a special spotlight on Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry. In addition to providing hundreds of meals to families each month, they are also looking at their energy use to uncover opportunities for money savings and environmental benefits.
And it’s not just businesses and nonprofits stepping up, it’s individual members of our community. Our April Climate Leader is Southern Environmental Center’s Senior Communications Manager, Home Energy Challenge participant (who’s been racking up the points), and creator of podcast Broken Ground, Claudine Ebeid McElwain. Check out her interview.
Happy Earth Day photo from us to you!
50th Earth Day
We at C3 were saddened that we couldn’t gather together physically to celebrate Earth Day this year. But there was an amazing line-up of local and global virtual events! Our blog highlighted just a few of many ideas for you to take part of from the comforts of home or the outdoors. We thank Earth Day Network for so much great programming (including a video spot of our Director of Programs and Communications, Teri Kent) and support seen in an inspiring live broadcast from across the world. Knowing that folks of all ages, races, and vocations are working full-speed ahead recharged our team.
Claire is now helping businesses virtually.
Programs and Policy Highlights
We launched our Virtual Climate Camp—jam packed with online, offline activities, and short demo videos for kids for the month of April! It was so popular (see our FB gallery page of photos), and we received such great coverage from the local news and radio, that we’ve decided to add three more weeks of great content to that virtual initiative.
Every month Caetano de Campo Lopes takes a moment to update us on his policy research and latest findings. This month he highlights his recently released ACEE report he co-authored on how energy use and policy relate in U.S. cities, tying in the work he’s doing at the state-level with the energy data access stakeholder group and why that’s important for local policy efforts.
Finally, Claire Habel, our Commercial Program Manager, created an awesome short video on how to eliminate vampire energy at the office during the shutdown. Vampire energy is the energy needlessly being used by appliances and devices plugged in that you’re not using. Check it out -- it could save you some money!
While we miss our face-to-face work helping you take the next step on climate, we hope this blog, programs like our Virtual Climate Camp, online events like our Climate Trivia Night, and opportunities to advocate for climate policy will satisfy your hunger to keep taking action on behalf of the planet.